Juliette Adams is a Caribbean-American educator, author, and thought leader.

She is a native of Guyana, an oil producing country in the Amazon basin with a dual Caribbean and South American identity. Her Guyanese identity and CLASS training (a quality measurement assessment examining teacher/student interaction) contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the grassroots machinery to assist the average citizen in bridging gaps and navigating political systems. She is a relentless advocate of autonomy, trust, objectivity, education, and the belief that the US political system works for the politically educated and courageous participant.

From volunteering with local and national campaigns to lobbying Congress for African, Caribbean and Israeli legislation, Juliette’s experience with the US political system has been diverse, explorative, and bipartisan. Her non-governmental experiences encompass being a member of the World Bank Group Civil Society Policy Forum (WBG, CSPF), to providing advisory service on an Argentinean women’s initiative, and pioneering a “Chat Time” discussion series on Caribbean economic development at Embassy of Guyana in the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington D.C.

As a culturally proficient professional, Juliette’s extensive teaching experience in the Caribbean and US allows her to simply complex ideas and connect abstract concepts to everyday experience. Her classroom expertise coupled with degrees from Howard University in Business Administration and American University in Justice, law and Society translates into a passion for empowering individuals to contribute constructive change through action.

The Gifted & Magical 95 Percent series is a five-book mini-series designed to help readers navigate a complex political system. It combines Juliette’s political acumen with cumulative insight from her varied teaching experiences to examine drivers of human behaviors and generate action-based thought. As an extension, The Frederick Press is a platform to promote active analysis through a Gifted & Magical framework. Both ventures advance adult critical thinking, a skill which promotes deeper understanding of concepts through analysis and reasoning. You are invited to engage in a culturally safe and diverse global community and help generate consistent advocacy in the national and political economic equity fight.

“The way you earn trust, the way you develop a reputation is by doing hard things well over and over and over. It really is that simple. It’s also complicated. It’s not easy to do hard things well, but that is how you earn trust. It means so many different things. It’s integrity, but it’s also competence. It is doing what you said you were going to do – and delivering. What kind of civilization do you want? Do you want freedom? Do you want democracy? These are big principles that supersede the other types of questions.”

– Jeff Bezos from Invent & Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos